Python API - Retrieving Non-Listed Firms

I am writing to seek clarification and assistance regarding the usage of the Refinitiv Python API, specifically the function. Up until now, I have been successfully using the API to retrieve information for listed firms by utilizing the "search.Views.EQUITY_QUOTES" parameter in the view parameter.

However, I now need to retrieve information for non-listed firms using the same API. To achieve this, I understand that I might need to adjust the view parameter to target the appropriate data set. I have reviewed the available options, and I'm uncertain about which search.Views parameter I should use to retrieve information for non-listed firms.

For instance, if I want to retrieve information about a specific firm with the PermID "5051619094", could you please advise me on the appropriate search.Views parameter to use? Should I use "ENTITIES" or "ORGANISATIONS," or is there another parameter that is more suitable for retrieving information about non-listed firms?

Moreover, looking at EQSRCH on Refinitiv Workspace, I tried to set the "filter" parameter as such:

SearchAllCategoryv2 eq eq 'Companies/Issuers'. Is this correct? Is there another way

Thank you very much for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response.

Best Answer

  • Hi @nicola.fiore

    Search is a journey of discovery to tailor your request parameters to suit your requirements. I would suggest you review the following articles as guides:

    In the first article, it contains some useful properties that will help with your searches. For example, you can utilize the 'code' property will search across all codes, such as RICs, tickers, SEDOLs, etc. Primarily used within a filter but can be used as a selectable property.
    view = search.Views.SEARCH_ALL,
    filter = "code eq '5051619094'"

    This will pull back a result related to the PermID specified. You can also utilize the 2nd article I linked to which will allow you to easily observe all the properties to determine what information is of relevance.

    For example:

    browser = SearchBrowser()
    view = search.Views.SEARCH_ALL,
    filter = "code eq '5051619094'"


    From here, you can observe the details of the entire result from the most relevant hit in the response. What the 'View' parameter does it narrow your results. However, in many cases the View can be across the whole universe of data and the filter expressions are typically sufficient to narrow your result sets.


  • I carefully read all the documentation you provided, thanks.

    I am searching only by company names. I understood how to find equity quotes (just using "search.Views.EQUITY_QUOTES"). How can I retrieve non-equity quotes? Should I employ "search.Views.ORGANISATIONS"? Or should I set the "filter" parameter as "SearchAllCategoryv2 eq eq 'Companies/Issuers'"?

  • Hi @nicola.fiore

    Can you provide the search you are doing, including the fields (select) you need?

  • My query looks like this:

    query="ascendo resources"


    filter="SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Companies/Issuers' and RCSFilingCountry xeq 'G:6J'"















  • Hi @nicola.fiore

    Thanks for the example.

    Looking at the query, I'm assuming the firm "Ascendo Resources" is a non-listed firm? When I perform the basic query:
    query = "ascendo resources",
    select = "_, SearchAllCategoryv3"

    I get back the following:

    This appears to be limited information on the company and certainly nothing related to equity quotes. For example, the listed categories map to the following Views:

    "Company/Issues" => Views.ORGANIZATIONS
    "Mergers & Acquisitions" => Views.DEALS_MERGERS_AND_AQUISITIONS

    As an example, if I did this instead:
    view = search.Views.ORGANISATIONS,
    query = "ascendo resources",
    select = "_, SearchAllCategoryv3, OrganisationStatus"

    I get this:

    And if I try Views.EQUITY_QUOTES, there are zero hits.

    You can try a few other non-listed firms to see if you get back the same limited info. I would then follow up with a content expert to confirm as it appears this service does not provide any equity quote metrics for non-listed firms.

    Alternatively, I did try using the DIB (Data Item Browser) as a way to determine if there are any equity metrics on this company. All I could find were organization-related details.