RDP news file stream api error EDS.CFS.ODPSGatewayError

We are using APIDOCS GET File Stream API to download RDP news using endpoint such as https://api.refinitiv.com/file-store/v1/files/4703-bde5-03238e31-8638-ee06b2f5adcc/stream

Most of the time the API worked fine viz. we got an error 1 out 500+ invokation in a day or so.

In one case we got this error

ValueError: Unable to download news with href:https://api.refinitiv.com/file-store/v1/files/4703-bde5-03238e31-8638-ee06b2f5adcc/stream. Code 500, Message: {"error":{"id":"9c317ce0-a5ca-4691-83ad-e9eb55878068","code":"EDS.CFS.ODPSGatewayError","status":500,"message":"Unexpected Error Occurred"}}

Is there any explanation for this type of error code? When we retried the download much later it succeeded in downloading the news ok.

-Makarand Vaidya


Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @OneTick,

    You should contact Refinitiv Support at my.refinitiv.com, and they should be able to look at server logs and advise why this error was generated. HTTP 500 is a server side error and nothing on your application would be able to fix this. You can add error handling code and retry after a wait.
