primary RIC for ETFs

Say I have a list of ETFs, SPY, QQQ, XLF, etc...

I would like to get the primary adjusted EOD close prices primary. Which suffix should I add is it .O or .N? Is there a unique suffix that I can use that maps automatically to the primary?

I am using the funds api as follows:[start:2023-01-09%3Bend:2023-01-10]&symbols=SPY.N,QQQ.N


Best Answer

  • bob.lee
    Answer ✓

    @kdayri , It will help if you give your definition of "primary" or "primary RIC" for others to understand better and may able to help. Even better if you can offer sample primary RIC and its non-primary counter part.

    If the "primary" is referring to Lipper's "primary share class" or "primary fund", then you can get the information using the property: "relatedAssets". However, I doubt that is what you meant.