LEVEL 2 data for ROCO on "MARKET_PRICE" domain

I am trying to get level 2 data using ETA API for mic:ROCO on "Market_Price" domainusing IDN_SELECTFEED service for ric "D3227.TWO". I am unable to get any data. Could you please let me know what needs to be done?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You can run the Consumer example in the ETA folder to verify the retrived data.

    For example, run the example with the following parameter.

    -p <RSSL PORT> -s ELEKTRON_DD -mp D3227.TWO -h <HOST NAME or IP> -x

    The output is:




  • Is it got to do with the login requests which i send? I am able to get Level 1 data but no level 2 data. For level2 data i am prefixing "D" to ric and susbcribing D3227.TWO

    <REQUEST domainType="LOGIN" streamId="1" containerType="NO_DATA" flags="0x04 (STREAMING)" dataSize="0">

    <key flags="0x26 (HAS_NAME|HAS_NAME_TYPE|HAS_ATTRIB)" name="xxxxxxxx" nameType="1" attribContainerType="ELEMENT_LIST">


    <elementList flags="0x08 (HAS_STANDARD_DATA)">

    <elementEntry name="ApplicationId" dataType="ASCII_STRING" data="443"/>

    <elementEntry name="ApplicationName" dataType="ASCII_STRING" data="denali"/>

    <elementEntry name="Position" dataType="ASCII_STRING" data=""/>

    <elementEntry name="AllowSuspectData" dataType="UINT" data="0"/>

    <elementEntry name="Role" dataType="UINT" data="0"/>






  • @kaustubh2d

    Can you share the full output?