Can we use GCODE tables as data items using Eikon API? for example MIFID_SENIORITY_CDS

Can we use GCODE tables as data items using Eikon API? for example MIFID_SENIORITY_CDS

Best Answer


  • Hi Jonathan. Thanks! Would there be alternatives like using Eikon R API? Or other libraries?
  • Hi @johnnavi.quinones, I had a look on the Q&A and found this, where they suggest this package. Is that what you were after?
  • Hi @jonathan.legrand thanks for the forum links. I was wondering if other libraries can help the client since our eikon and rdp libraries are limited to pulling up data by using instrument and data item codes. Client specifically wants to pull up MIFID Seniority of a bond but no data items for such, and upon looking we found gcodes but found out that it is only a database for the meaning of the codes.
  • Hi @johnnavi.quinones

    I think that you can use rd library and search function:

    import as rd
    view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
    filter = "ISIN eq 'BE0002479542'",
    select = "MiFIDBondSeniorityCode"

    possible results:

    JUND Junior Debt
    MZZD Mezzanine
    SBOD Subordinated Debt
    SNDB Senior Debt

  • Hi Marcin. Thanks! Will try this now

  • He @marcin.bunkowski01

    I have a quick question. How can I get a list of field name for the "select". The field name for MiFIDBondSeniorityCode from the GCode database viewer is mifid_seniority_cds. I wanted to search with other fields, but I don't know how to the the corresponding name.


  • Hi @vuk.magdelinic,

    I do recommend to check this article by @nick.zincone. He explains the power of search and how to get most of it. There is no simple rule other than playing a bit with that and adjusting the parameters to obtain expected results.