How to bulk download shareholder reports for a list of companies from Eikon/Workspace using CodeBook

Hello, I am a complete beginner at coding in Refinitiv - I previously used the Eikon screener for smaller projects where we would download shareholder reports and fund ownership summaries by hand. I have recently moved onto a much larger project where it would be impossible to download this manually. I would be hugely appreciative if someone could go through the steps of using the Refinitiv API to bulk download the shareholder reports and fund ownership summaries for a list of companies. Is there also a way to link the investors to the ultimate parents through legal hierarchies?

I will be analysing the data in R but could use Python too for this. I'm working on a Windows laptop.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    If the data can be retrieved by the Eikon Screener, you can use the same screener formula with Eikon Data API. For more information, please refer to the Find Your Right Companies with SCREENER | Eikon Data APIs(Python) article.

    You can also use the Data Item Browser tool to list all available fields that can be retrieved by Eikon Data API. Otherwise, you can contact the Eikon Excel support team directly via MyRefinitiv and ask for the TR formula that can be used to get the required data. Then, you can apply the parameters used in the TR formula to Eikon Data API.
