How to Get tweets with eikon api

I am using the get_news_headlines function to retrieve news from the API, and the query I am currently specifying is as follows. I would like to change this to "All Alerts OR Twitter" which I have newly set up on Eikon.

all alerts + main news (Japanese, English, Chinese)

 q = 'Topic:NEWS1 AND All Alert AND (Language:LJA OR Language:LEN OR Language:LZH)' k.get_news_headlines(query=q, count=100)

I tried changing to "Topic:Twitter OR All Alert" and "Topic:TWTR OR All Alert", but I could only get All Alert data.

Best Answer

  • pf
    Answer ✓

    Hi @yamaguchi ,

    With Eikon Data API + Eikon Desktop, you can only retrieve headlines from NewsWire.

    To get from others sources like social media, you'll need to migrate to last release Workspace 1.22.303+ and Refinitiv Data API.
    Then, you'll have acces to same data than in News Monitor:

    Especially, Tweets news source, with news query filter = "NS:TWTR"


  • @yamaguchi

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    To verify the news query, please kindly contact the Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace support team via MyRefinitiv and ask for the news query that can be used in the news monitor application.

    After getting the news query, you can try it with Eikon Data API.