news.headline list of possible extended_params

In RD librairies (Python), what is the list of parameters available in the extended_params dictionary of the headlines function below.

news.headlines.Definition(query, count, date_from, date_to, sort_order, extended_params)

Best Answer

  • Hi @flosalm

    The 'news.headlines.Definition()' is an interface that sits on top of the News Headlines service defined within RDP. The service does support a number of parameters, which are almost entirely covered within the Definition(), however, in the areas where something new comes along that is not supported by the well-defined properties within the Definition, can be included within the 'extended_params'.

    Looking the examples and what is defined within the documentation, the only one that I came across that you would need to include within 'extended_params' is the 'relevance' property. You can review the News Reference guide for more details.


  • Relevance is exactly what I'm looking for.

    I tested something like that but it doesn't seem to work.

    response = news.headlines.Definition(

    My guess is that cursor, relevance and useSCS are available as extended parameters but I would like a working example of that


  • Hi @flosalm

    The syntax you are specifying is correct. When I enable debug, I can see the parameter included within the underlying request:


    I have been testing this and it's unclear whether all the headlines are considered High. I would suggest you reach out to the News content team, via the support desk, to confirm if this specific property is working as expected.