EMA Subscription of RIC failing

I am getting Channel Down event, althogh connecting using ReconnectAttemptLimit as -1.

state="Open / Suspect / None / 'channel down'"

After channel down, any subscription failed due to below error and unable to get the data. Do I need to reinitialize my subscription client :

DEBUG EmaConnection [RFA Dispatch Thread]: Data State : [Suspect], Stream State : [Open] , MDS Status response [Service not up]

Restart my application fixed this issue.

Is there any way to receive channel up event with any configurition?


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @vikas.chaudhary

    The state="Open / Suspect / None / 'channel down'" message means the data stream is still opened, but the data is not available because the channel down event. Basically, once the connection is recovered and service is up, the API automatically recover subscription for the application.

    However, the log "DEBUG EmaConnection [RFA Dispatch Thread]: Data State : [Suspect], Stream State : [Open] , MDS Status response [Service not up]" message indicates the Service is down (Are you using EMA or RFA?). The API may need time to wait for the upstream service to UP again.

    For EMA you can register the following streams events for monitoring connection and service status health:

    • Register the Login Stream for monitoring connectivity status: See Cons333 (C++) or ex333_Login_Streaming_DomainRep (Java)
    • Register the Directory stream for monitoring the Service status: See Cons331 (C++) or ex331_Directory_streaming (Java)

    Additionally, if you need a dedicated Real-Time APIs support ticket with SLA, I recommend you register to be RDC named user, then you can submit a ticket to the RDC support team via the "Contact premium support" button on the https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-real-time-opnsrc/rt-sdk-cc or https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-real-time-opnsrc/rt-sdk-java pages.


    • Please contact your Refinitiv Representative or Account Manager to help you with the RDC subscription process.


  • Any update please. Thanks

  • Thanks,, I have raised this with Premium Support.

    So my question is in which scenario application will not receive Channel Up event after Channel Down event.

  • Hello @vikas.chaudhary

    If the Login state is "Open/Suspect", the API should try to reconnect until the channel up.

    I recommend you contact the RDC support team to verify this behavior in detail.