[URGENT] Unable to streamdata for specific products: FF, FEI, SON3, SARO3, and others

I am using the following code:

data = lib.ek.StreamingPrices('SON3U3-Z3', fields={'ACVOL_1'})


df = data.get_snapshot()


but the output is as shown in the photo attached PFA


but the following data is available on reuters

As we can see there is net change and volume as well and these are the correct RIC, I have also tried adding a '/' before the RIC, moreover the attributes are also correct.

As I am able to successfully retrieve correct data for other RICs such as SRA, /FEI
Instrument ACVOL_1 NETCHNG_10 SRAU3-Z3 4829 -0.0025
matching the data from reuters

Best Answer

  • @dhruv.singh.1

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You can enable logging in the API.

    data = ek.StreamingPrices('SON3U3-Z3', fields=['ACVOL_1'])

    df = data.get_snapshot()


    I got this error:

    2023-09-07 10:18:32,867 P[109840] [WebSocket 0 38148] Stream 9 [SON3U3-Z3] - Receive status {'ID': 9, 'Type': 'Status', 'Key': {'Service': 'IDN_RDFNTS_CF', 'Name': 'SON3U3-Z3'}, 'State': {'Stream': 'Closed', 'Data': 'Suspect', 'Code': 'NotEntitled', 'Text': 'Access Denied: User req to PE(6459)'}}

    If you got the same error, please contact your Refintiv account team or sales team to verify your permission.


  • Yes that helped in understanding the issue, seems like I didn't have the permission to access the data.