Can we remove functions from RFA library which are unused in our application code or are these mand

Hello Team,

There are functions from RFA library(included in our application) which are not getting executed from our application code. Therefore, need to see if these are mandatory functions or we could remove them from our code.

We use RFA library (version- 8.2) in our application. Need to understand below functions for the purpose to see if can remove them for better coverage of code. Is there any document we can get with detailed description of these functions ?

Functions defined in Decoder.h and OMMStrings.h (rfa::common::RFA_String conversion utility functions) listed below are unused functions in our application.

================Decoder.h ========================

void Decoder::decodeArrayEntry(const ArrayEntry& input)

void Decoder::decodeMap( const Map& input )

void Decoder::decodeMapEntry( const MapEntry& input )

void Decoder::decodeKey( const Data& input )

void Decoder::decodeSeriesEntry( const SeriesEntry& input )

void Decoder::decodeVectorEntry( const VectorEntry& input )

void Decoder::decodeDataDef( const Data& input )

void Decoder::decodeElementListDef(const ElementListDef& elementListDef)

void Decoder::decodeFieldListDef(const FieldListDef& fieldListDef)

void Decoder::decodeMsg(const Msg& msg)

void Decoder::decodeReqMsg(const ReqMsg& msg)

void Decoder::decodeRespMsg(const RespMsg& msg)

void Decoder::decodeGenericMsg(const GenericMsg& msg)

void Decoder::decodePostMsg(const PostMsg& msg)

void Decoder::decodeAckMsg(const AckMsg& msg)

================OMMStrings.h ========================

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::msgTypeToString( UInt32 mt

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::connectionStatusCodeToString( UInt8 statusCode )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::qosPropertyToString( QualityOfServiceRequest::StreamPropertyEnum e )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::qosRateToString( long qosRate )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::qosTimelinessToString( long qosTimeliness )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::dataStateToString( RespStatus::DataState dataState )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::streamStateToString( RespStatus::StreamState streamState )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::itemAttribInfoNameTypeToString( UInt8 type )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::loginAttribInfoNameTypeToString( UInt8 type )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::msgUpdateRespTypeNumToString( UInt8 type )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::msgRefreshRespTypeNumToString( UInt8 type )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::dataTypeToString( UInt8 type )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::mapActionToString( UInt8 action )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::dictionaryVerbosityTypeToString( UInt32 dictType )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::vectorActionToString( UInt8 action )

const RFA_String& OMMStrings::filterActionToString( UInt8 action )


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Those classes are the example utility classes used by our RFA examples.

    You can modify those classes to meet your requirements.


    However, if you modify those files, you may not be able to compile and run our RFA examples.


  • Hello @rasika_shinde,

    What are you trying to achieve? Refinitiv will not be able to support you, if the SDK is modified. These functions may/may not be used internally.

    If you are looking to rework an existing application or writing a new one - please note that RFA is feature complete and the strategic SDK is EMA, which is also open source. You can read about this in the tutorials and view the SDK source code on GitHub. It is recommended that all new work should be done using this RTSDK.