POST Single Attribute to a SubjectURi


TO post a single triple attribute to a SubjectURI through the API, what is the endpoint to do so through?


<" target="_blank">>; <" target="_blank">>; "CoXYZ"

Thank you


Best Answer

  • POST /context/{id}/rdf/file


    POST /entity

    The triples can potentially be stored in a separate context as Data Fusion will integrate the information using subjectURI or a custom context for the authenticating user is created if no contextId is provided.

    At a minimum, the RDF requires an rdf:type and the label predicates defined as the system will reject the RDF otherwise. No explicit stitching is required if the subjectURI matches the subjectURI in another context that you would like to annotate. It is important that the entity type mappings are the same across contexts.
