[Consumer_2] is an non-existent consumer name

I am getting below while trying to consume

OmmConsumerConfigImpl::consumerName parameter [Consumer_2] is an non-existent consumer name

I am written below code to connect consumer


consumer = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumer(EmaFactory.createOmmConsumerConfig().consumerName("Consumer_2"));

consumer.registerClient( EmaFactory.createReqMsg().serviceName("DIRECT_FEED").name("IBM.N"), appClient, 0);



post that I am trying to run below commands

gradle runEMAPerfProvider --args=" -providerName Perf_Provider_1 -tickRate 1000 -updateRate 100000 -latencyUpdateRate 10 -msgFile MsgData.xml -runTime 240"

and consumer side:

java -jar reps-automation-elektron-ema-1.0.0.jar --username="GE-A-00207068-3-8473" --ricorcontrib="FINR" --password="XXXXXX"

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @saimahesh.mummaneni

    Thank you for the information. You can change the EmaConfig.xml to be a ".txt" file and post here.

    Back to the original question, when you run this Java "java -jar reps-automation-elektron-ema-1.0.0.jar --username="GE-A-00207068-3-8473" --ricorcontrib="FINR" --password="XXXXXX"" command, which folder you are in the prompt?

    • The project home folder (reps-automation-elektron-ema folder)
    • The target folder (reps-automation-elektron-ema/target folder)

    If you run the application from the reps-automation-elektron-ema/target folder, you need to copy the EmaConfig.xml file to the target folder too.

    If you run the application from the project home folder, you can use the following command:

    java -jar .;target/jar.name --<param>
