FX Option - The query for a Fx barrier does not work due to a JSON Serialization error


I'm trying to execute a IPA query and it does not work.

I got this error: ""

Here is the code

import refinitiv.data as rd
import refinitiv.data.content.ipa.financial_contracts as rdf
from refinitiv.data.content.ipa.financial_contracts import option


response = option.Definition(
instrument_tag = "EURGBP_1M",
underlying_type = option.UnderlyingType.FX,
underlying_definition = option.FxUnderlyingDefinition("EURGBP"),
barrier_definition = option.FxBarrierDefinition(barrier_mode = "American",
in_or_out = "Out",
up_or_down = "Down",
level = 0.85449),
tenor = "1M",
call_put = "Call",
exercise_style = "EURO",
strike = 0.8597,
notional_amount = 1000000,
notional_ccy = "EUR",
pricing_parameters = option.PricingParameters(valuation_date = "2023-09-15T00:00:00Z")


here is the error got :


Can someone has a look ?


Note: The same error occurs when trying to use a FxBinaryDefinition

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @yaokoffi.kouassi

    I can replicate the issue on Codebook (Refinitiv Data Library for Python version 1.2.0) and a standalone Jupyter Notebook using Refinitiv Data Library for Python version 1.3.1.

    However, the latest version of the library is 1.4.0 (https://pypi.org/project/refinitiv-data/1.4.0/). I have tried it on a standalone Jupyter notebook with your code. It works fine.


    It seems the issue has been fixed in version 1.4.0. If you (or the client) use a standalone Jupyter notebook, I highly recommend upgrading the library.

    pip install refinitiv-data==1.4.0


  • Hello Wasin and thank you for your reply.

    Unfortunately, the customer palns to use the script within Codebook.

    Do we know whne Codebook will use the version 1.4.0?


  • @yaokoffi.kouassi

    The workaround is using the following code.

    import refinitiv.data as rd
    import refinitiv.data.content.ipa.financial_contracts as rdf
    from refinitiv.data.content.ipa.financial_contracts import option
    response = option.Definition(
        instrument_tag = "EURGBP_1M",
        underlying_type = option.UnderlyingType.FX,
        underlying_definition = option.FxUnderlyingDefinition("EURGBP"),
        barrier_definition = {'barrierMode': 'American', 'inOrOut': 'Out', 'upOrDown': 'Down', 'level': 0.85449},
        tenor = "1M",
        call_put = "Call",
        exercise_style = "EURO",
        strike = 0.8597,
        notional_amount = 1000000,
        notional_ccy = "EUR",
        pricing_parameters = option.PricingParameters(valuation_date = "2023-09-15T00:00:00Z")


  • Hello @yaokoffi.kouassi

    I suggest you contact the Codebook team about when will the app upgrade its libraries.

  • Hi @yaokoffi.kouassi

    Customer can also use a direct request to an endpoint:

    import refinitiv.data as rd
    import pandas as pd

    request = rd.delivery.endpoint_request.Definition(
    body_parameters={"universe": [
    "instrumentType": "Option",
    "instrumentDefinition": {
    "instrumentTag": "EURGBP_1M",
    "underlyingType": "FX",
    "underlyingDefinition": {
    "fxCrossCode": "EURGBP"
    "barrierDefinition": {
    "level": 0.85449,
    "barrierMode": "American",
    "inOrOut": "Out",
    "upOrDown": "Down"
    "tenor": "1M",
    "callPut": "Call",
    "exerciseStyle": "EURO",
    "strike": 0.8597,
    "notionalAmount": 1000000,
    "notionalCcy": "EUR"
    "pricingParameters": {
    "valuationDate": "2023-09-15"
    response = request.get_data()
    names = [i["name"] for i in response.data.raw["headers"]]
    pd.DataFrame(response.data.raw["data"], columns=names)
  • Thanks guys for your reply.

    The customer will use the script in Codebook.

    I've contacted Codebook team to have a date for the release and I will inform the client.