Refinitiv.Data c# Nuget package question

In the latest version of NuGet Gallery | Refinitiv.Data 1.0.0-beta5

In the earlier versions of the software, there was the ability to set the desired/preferred location to stream pricing data from, i.e. we could specify to connect to ap-southeast. Have found in the latest version it seems to only ever connect to us-east region.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @adam.centofanti1

    I am checking the GitHub Example.DataLibrary.DotNet repository. The 2.2.08-Pricing-StreamingEndpoint example has the refinitiv-data.config.json file that lets you configure the prefer endpoint location. The default value is set to "us-east".


    I am testing the example in my environment and set the "locations" parameter to ["ap-souteast"] as follows:

        "sessions": {
            "platform": {
                "default": "mySession",
                "mySession": {
                    "apis": {
                        "streaming": {
                            "pricing": {
                                "endpoints": {
                                    "locations": [ "ap-southeast" ]

    The example works fine and connect to the RTO server in AP-SOUTHEAST region.


    I hope this information helps.
