Wieso funktioniert die .at() Funktion bei Pandas nicht?

I have the following code in which I access a CSV file with multiple columns containing numbers and want to change a specific column under certain conditions:

import csv

import pandas

final_activities = pandas.read_csv("VPN2/VPN2_Final_Activities.csv", delimiter=';', names=['Timerels', 'ActivityClass_Ankle', 'ActivityClass_Hip', 'ActivityClass_Thigh', 'ActivityClass_Wrist', 'ActivityClass_Annotation'], skip_blank_lines=True, skipinitialspace=True, engine='python', header=0)

i = 0

while i < len(final_activities):

ankle_activity = final_activities.loc[i][1]

annotation_activity = final_activities.loc[i][5]

if(int(annotation_activity) == 9 and int(ankle_activity) == 2):

final_activities.at[i, 'ActivityClass_Ankle'] = 9

i += 1

In this case, nothing is being modified in the final_activities DataFrame due to the .at statement. It used to work for me before. Please help!

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