How to decode Rmtes partial update data with EMA C++?

Our system was changed API from RFA C# 7.2.18 to EMA C++ 3.6.7.

It is possible that the decoding result is incorrect due to the difference in the way RFA and EMA handle RMTES encoding.

The following data shows the decoding results obtained using RFA and EMA, respectively.


2023-09-14 17:48:35,610 ICAPEUROBASIS3 UPDATE 321=[60`3


2023-09-14 17:48:35,610 ICAPEUROBASIS3 UPDATE 321=ICAK HKG60090 6.1250 -7.87501063 14/SEP 17:45

When investigating this issue, we found a similar question on the following link.

And we have 2 questions:

(1) whether this issue has already been resolved. If not, the question is whether there are any plans to resolve it in the future.

(2) Based on the content of the past article, the correct decoding results can be obtained by addressing the issue using the following method.If there are any improvements or alternative methods to address this issue, please let me know.

if ((FieldEntry.getEntry().getLoadType()) == DataType::RmtesEnum) {

EmaBuffer c = FieldEntry.getAsHex();

value = asciiTochar(c.asRawHexString());


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    As mentioned on that discussion, please modify and run the 310_MarketPrice_RMTES example to replicate this issue. Your implementation may be different from the 310_MarketPrice_RMTES example.

    Regarding the DataType::RmtesEnum, the examples use the following code to get an ENUM value.

    case DataType::RmtesEnum:
                    cout << fe.getRmtes().toString() << endl;


  • @Jirapongse

    Thank you for your answer and sorry for the delayed response. We have tested your answer, but the result did not meet my expectations. While we make the test program as 310_MarketPrice_RMTES sample, we were unable to obtain information for the update location.

    Test Result: ICAPEUROBASIS3 UPDATE 321=3

    Expected: ICAPEUROBASIS3 UPDATE 321=[60`3

    And Our client in this matter plans to make a separate inquiry through Premium Support.