How can I get 'USDUNH' index value for '.MERHPC0'?

I would like to get the data within the red frame in the image below.


The code below got the same value.The parameter 'Curn' didn't seem to work.


Best Answer

  • @n-shinagawa1

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    That value is from the MID_PRICE field.


    You can hover your mouse over a value to see a field name that provide that value. The field name of that value is MID_PRICE. Therefore, the code will be:

    df, err = ek.get_data(".MERHPC0","MID_PRICE")



  • Thank you for your response.

    I was able to get it using the method you taught me.

    Is there a way to get the same value as MID_PRICE in time series?

  • @n-shinagawa1

    You can try the Refinitiv Data Library for Python with the desktop.workspace session. The examples are on GitHub. This library also supports the get_data method.

    The field could be USD_TRTN. The code is:

    rd.get_history(universe=[".MERHPC0"], interval="daily",fields=["USD_TRTN"])

    The output is:


    If you don't specify fields, the output will contain all available fields.

    You may need to contact the Elektron Data Platform - Historical Pricing API support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm this USD_TRTN field.