How to place order, check current position & signal of current order through Eikon API?

While working to implement Eikon through the API, we have the following three queries:

1: How to Plcae Order through Eikon Rest Api in python

2: How to Check current Position of order in Eikon Rest Api in python

3: How to Get Signal of current Order in Eikon Rest Api in python

Best Answer

  • @rsg

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    As I know, you can't place orders through Eikon Data API.

    You need to use REDI API to place orders.

    For more information, please contact your Refinitiv account team or sales team directly.


  • To place an order through the Eikon API, you will need to use the POST /orders endpoint. The request body should include the following parameters:

    • symbol: The symbol of the security you want to order.
    • side: The side of the order, either BUY or SELL.
    • quantity: The quantity of the order.
    • type: The type of order, such as .
    • price: The price of the order <a herf="">servicenow training</a>