Refinitive World-Check - bulk/batch archive cases via XLSX template (no api)

I'm using only the web-based Refinitiv World-check One UI, I would like to archive a couple thousand cases using only the below batch template, which I will of course populate with the relevant name/case ID's. Is this possible or would I have to sign up for API access? Furthermore, is this even possible using an API?

Please let me know if further info is required to provide help/answers and thank you very much in advance of any provided :)

Best Answer

  • Hello @compliance01116 - thank you for reaching out to us! Please read my answers to your questions below:

    1. You do not need to sign up for API access to archive cases. Please refer to the BULK ACTIONS User Guide for further understanding on how to achieve this action successfully.
    2. This is absolutely possible to do using our WC1 API. We have an endpoint called "Bulk Update Archive States" that looks like this:

    I hope this was helpful! Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any further questions.



  • Hi @judith.pillado.lseg, thank you very much for you response, nice to have a straight answer.

    API set up requires the download of .zip files to set up the environment/ auth, which I am not permitted to do on the office network.

    As such, I have reviewed the bulk actions user guide, however this is based on a previous version + UI layout so I can't follow these instructions.

    Can you suggest any reason why bulk actions wouldn't be viewable from Worldcheck one?

    The below are all my visible options.


  • Hi @compliance01116, thank you for providing that screenshot, it is helpful to have a visual.
    One thing that comes to mind is that you might not have the permission to archive a case to begin with. Can I ask - are you a case manager or the client admin? If you are not or do not know if you are, could you please email me your account information (such as the company that you work for and your business email associated with the account) to so that I can further investigate? Looking forward to your response.



  • Thanks all, this was resolved by requesting bulk action permission from my client account administrator, and uploading the XLSX template for bulk actions. Now that I have the permissions the use guides make sense. Cheers for your help guys :)

  • That is great! I am glad this was resolved for you. Enjoy your week!

