A24: Moving item to new server which has lower server


I am using ETA librray and fetching MarketData by using watchlist, we are getting below error message .

"A24: Moving item to new server which has lower server"

after some time, it connects to the another failover server but failed to fetch any data. Do I need to send subscription to new server again ? or ETA library should take care of it ?

And, what does this A24 error message means ?




Best Answer

  • @Bhimrao.Ghule

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Typically, it depends in the stream state of this stream.

    If the stream state is CLOSED or CLOSED_RECOVER, this means that the stream has been closed so the application needs to recover the stream by re-subscription. However, if the stream state remains OPEN/SUSPECT, this means that the API or RTDS will recover the item.

    This is the description of this error in the ADS installation guide.


    You need to contact the RTDS support team directly via MyRefinitiv for more information.