published-notifications API parameters

I am developing a small service that automates processing change announcements via published-notifications API.

the endpoint I am using

however, I get as a response only first page of it:

"Exchange","name":"London Stock Exchange Plc","status":"Active"}],"manualSuppliers":[],"relatedNotifications":[],"keyItems":[],"deployments":[]}],"pageIndex":0,"pageSize":100,"total":6189}

I am struggling to find a way to query other pages, and/or add search criteria based on the dates and the type of the change.

I've tried to use get params like:

or post request with the body, e.g.

{"pageIndex": 2, "pageSize": 10}

none of the options seem to work, and there are no documentations on the params.

Can you please advise how can I get past page 0?

And also potentially filter the results on the other fields?



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