Request to upgrade apache commons dependency in next ema release

Our application is using com.refinitiv.ema dependency, which is bundled with apache commons-configuration2 v2.8.0, which has apache-commons-text v1.9.0 dependency. This apache-commons-text v1.9.0 dependency has been flagged as being vulnerable by the IT department in my company.

I would like to kindly request for the apache commons-configuration2 to be upgraded to v2.9.0 and be included in the next refinitiv ema dependency release. May I know when can this upgrade be done and be made available on maven repository?


Best Regards,


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I checked the apache commons dependencies in the RTSDK-2.1.2.L1 or EMA/ETA 3.7.2.L1 release and the dependencies are:


    It uses commons-text-1.10.0.jar.

    If you are a RDC (Refinitiv Developer Connect) contact, you can submit this request to the API support team directly via Contact Premium Support. Otherwise, you can submit this request via GitHub.


  • Hi Jirapongse,

    In order to import RTSDK-2.1.2.L1 into my spring boot application, do I need to import each individual ema, eta and apache dependencies like (ema, commons-text-1.10.0 etc) found in the folder?

    Or is there a specific maven dependency which encompasses the dependencies found in RTSDK-2.1.2.L1 that can be added to my application?

    Is EMA/ETA 3.7.2.L1 release the same as RTSDK-2.1.2.L1 release?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Jirapongse,

    In order to import RTSDK-2.1.2.L1 into my spring boot application, do I need to import each individual ema, eta and apache dependencies like (ema, commons-text-1.10.0 etc) found in the folder?

    Or is there a specific maven dependency which encompasses the dependencies found in RTSDK-2.1.2.L1 that can be added to my application?

    Is EMA/ETA 3.7.2.L1 release the same as RTSDK-2.1.2.L1 release?

    Best Regards,


  • @vikneshh

    Yes, RTSDK-2.1.2.L1 is EMA/ETA 3.7.2.L1.

    Correct, you need to import dependencies to the project.

    I checked EMA 3.7.2 in Maven ( It depends on commons-configuration2:2.9.0 and commons-configuration2:2.9.0 depends on commons-text:1.10.0.


  • Hi Jirapongse,

    Actually EMA 3.7.2 in Maven is currently using apache commons configuration2 v2.8.0 while it is stated that apache commons v2.9.0 is the latest update to this dependency.

    May I know if Refinitiv would be upgrading apache commons configuration2 dependency to v2.9.0 in the next ema release Also roughly when is ema due to be released?


    Best Regards,


  • @vikneshh

    Thank you for the update.

    If you are a RDC (Refinitiv Developer Connect) contact, you can submit this request to the API support team via Contact Premium Support.

    Otherwise, you can post this issue on GitHub.