Using the instrument-metadata example of "Refinitiv Data Library for .NET" produces "404 page not fo

Running the 3.2.06-Endpoint-TSIMetadata example of the latest RDP 1.0.0 beta 5 I get "404 page not found" error.


"HTTPStatusCode": 404,

"HTTPReason": "Not Found",

"Contents": "404 page not found"


Is this feature still supported or is this a Server issue?

Best Answer


  • It works when using the latest version of "Workspace" but it is not working when using "Eikon" (4.0.64). I am pretty sure this used to work the last time I tried it.
  • Hi @martin.grunwald

    The TSI capability is not officially supported in Eikon. I believe it has been coincidentally available at one point, but due to ongoing changes in the backend, this feature will not be supported.

  • Thank you for the answer. Although it is not exactly good news since a lot of out clients are still using Eikon.