Invalid Message Size - ETA VAConsumer


Currently, I want to connect to our deployed rtds using the real-time sdk (c). I can connect using the Websocket API. When I wanted to connect with the VAConsumer example of the SDK, I received the following error message:

Error text: </opt/refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Transport/rwsutils.c:4059> Error: 1007 Invalid Message Size. Message size is: (4571010). Max Message size is(61454)

I ran with the following command:

./VAConsumer -webSocket {
{port}} IDN_SELECTFEED mp:EUR= -uname {
{DACS_User}} -aid {

What can cause this error, why is such a large message received? Is there any way to debug the received messages?

Best Answer

  • @marton.brosig

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    It may relate to this discussion. You can try to load data dictionary from the local files (RDMFieldDictionary and enumtype.def) instead by copying these files to the working directory.

    You can also use the -x option to enable the XML tracing.

    -x provides an XML trace of messages


  • Thank you for your response,

    RDMFieldDictionary and enumtype.def were the missing things, the -x option was useful too.

    In the future, I want to connect via plain tcp socket instead of websocket, following this guide, I get the following series of messages at Module_1a_Connect:


    ./ConsMod1a -h {
    {host}} -p {


    Channel IPC descriptor = 3

    Channel 3 In Progress...

    Channel In Progress - New FD: 3  Old FD: 3

    Channel 3 In Progress...

    Channel In Progress - New FD: 3  Old FD: 3

    Channel 3 In Progress...

    Sometimes i get this error too (same parameters, but Consumer example)

    channelInactive fd=3 <</opt/refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Transport/rsslSocketTransportImpl.c:6975> Error: 1002 Could not read IPC Mount Ack.  Connection attempt has failed. System errno: (115)

    Could it be that the server settings are not correct? Thanks in advance!

  • @marton.brosig

    Typially, the TCP socket and WebSocket connections use different TCP ports. The TCP socket uses 14002 while the WebSocket uses 15000.

    Please make sure that you are using the correct TCP port when connecting to the server.