Convert MRN news JSON content to CSV

I am planning to download MRN news via Refinitiv SFTP. i need to convert it into CSV. Can you provide a sample using Python on how to do this?

Best Answer


  • Hi @lim.yongyik you can try this script:

    SFTP script to download files in the MRN archive

    import paramiko

    import json

    import spicy

    # SFTP connection information

    hostname = ''

    port = 22

    username = [YOUR MACHINE ID]

    password = [YOUR PASSWORD]

    # Establish an SSH transport

    transport = paramiko.Transport((hostname, port))

    transport.connect(username=username, password=password)

    # Create an SFTP client

    sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)

    # List files in a remote directory

    remote_directory = '/News/RTRS/Daily/JSON'

    file_list = sftp.listdir(remote_directory)

    print("Remote directory contents:", file_list)

    # Download a file from the remote directory

    remote_filename = 'STORY.RTRS.2023-08-27.REC.JSON.txt.gz' (This is an example)

    local_filename = r'[YOUR LOCAL PATH]'.format(remote_filename)

    sftp.get(f"{remote_directory}/{remote_filename}", local_filename)

    print(f"Downloaded {remote_filename} as {local_filename}")

    # Close the SFTP connection


    # Close the SSH transport


    To unzip the gz archive

    import gzip

    import shutil

    with, 'rb') as f_in:

    with open(local_filename[:-3], 'wb') as f_out:

    shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)

  • thank you @valentin.tassel do you have any sample python code to transform the MRN news JSON content into CSV?