Can Evaluated Pricing files downloaded via A

Evaluated Pricing folder.pdfI would like to know if DSS Pricing Service file can be delivered through DSS REST API. The bespoke output files of derivatives/structured notes are delivered for contracted clients via DSS "The Pricing Service" screen as attached screenshot. Can I double check if we can download them through REST API? I could confirm this can be done by SFTP, but I cannot find if API is also available. Please confirm.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @hiroko.goto,

    The DSS REST API can be used to create/delete/process the Evaluated Pricing files and challenges. You can read about these API calls in the online REST API help.

    The provided C# sample application (available in the DSS portal) also has a few helper methods to quickly try the API. You can see the use with C# SDK or the raw HTTP interaction which can be used within Postman/Python etc.


    The extracted files however still have to be downloaded through the sftp. You can use an SFTP module within your programming language to download files programmatically. See Python example here.