How to receive notification when chatbot is greyed out (but still green) ?


Recently, our user found that our chatbot was disconnected from one of the chatrooms it was supposed to be monitoring. The strange thing was that the icon was green, but the chatbot name itself was greyed out. See screenshot below:


In contrast, when the chatbot is connected, it looked like this:


The strange thing was that the bot was still receiving messages about an hour ago, and the web socket was still connected (we did not receive a disconnect message).

Do you know how we can receive notification via the API when the chatbot ends up in such a pseudo-alive state (greyed out but green) and does not receive any messages? So that we can tell it to rejoin the chatroom again.

Thanks and regards,
Keng Onn

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @kengonn.wong

    The scenario that the bot icon color is green but the bot name is grayed out means the Bot has been drag to the room, but the bot is not joining the chatroom (programmatically) yet.

    This state has been described on "Bot Access" section of the Bot API document as follows:


    In this state, Bot cannot receive messages from the chat room even it is connected to the WebSocket server.

    The application needs to join the bot to the room in order to receive messages in the chat room:

    POST /messenger/beta1/chatrooms/{chatroomId}/join HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer {Access Token}

    You can verify if your chat room is available by running the following API calls:

    List Chatrooms:

    GET /messenger/beta1/chatrooms HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer {Access Token}

    List Managed Chatrooms:

    GET /messenger/beta1/managed_chatrooms HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer {Access Token}

    I hope this information helps.


  • Hello @kengonn.wong

    I am contacting the Messenger Bot team. I will get back to you once I have any updates.

  • Hi @wasin.w ,

    Thanks so much for your very detailed reply! Really appreciate it!

    I get you, I have no issues with the initial joining and joining the chatroom using the chatbot API. I am using the list chatrooms API you mentioned, and then joining the chatroom after that.

    Messages are received by the chatbot and there's no issue with that, it's working as expected :). The icon beside the chatbot name is green and the chatbot name is white.

    However, after a certain time, our user noticed the chatbot name became grey and the messages in the chatroom were not received. However, the icon beside the chatbot name is still green (as shown in the screenshot I posted).

    Other chatrooms that our chatbot is connected to appear to be fine, it's just for this particular chatroom.

    Are there any web socket messages sent to the chatbot that indicate it is no longer in the chatroom? E.g. chatroomLeave etc?

    As an interim measure, I have set the chatbot to rejoin the chatroom every 60 sec.

    Keng Onn

  • Hello @kengonn.wong

    Do you mean the chatbot is back to "before-joining" state (green icon, grayed out name) after you open chatrooms for a while (and without any leave chatroom logs), am I correct?

    I encountered this grayed out scenario when my Workspace account permissions was changed, and my bot lost privilege to the chatroom. I fixed the issue by removing that chatroom and created a new chatroom.

    However, your scenario seems to be different than my case. I strongly recommend you submit a support ticket to the Messenger team to verify this chatroom behavior. You can contact the team directly via website.


  • Hi @wasin.w ,

    "the chatbot is back to "before-joining" state (green icon, grayed out name) after you open chatrooms for a while (and without any leave chatroom logs)" >> yes, that's right!

    Ok, I've raised a support ticket as per your screenshot, thanks!!

    Keng Onn

  • Hello @kengonn.wong

    I am noticed that you have create a support ticket number 12996065 to the Messenger Support team.

    The team is working on the issue and they will contact you via a separate email loop.

  • Hi
    @wasin.w ,

    That's right! I'm waiting for their reply :)


    Keng Onn