RTO migration to PING CIAM - response Access Denied: User req to PE(6562)

We are migrating from RTO V1 to V2 (PING CIAM), we created an account id with correct permissions.

When trying to get information for any entity, we are receiving the error "Access Denied: User req to PE(X)".

  "Type": "Status",
  "State": {
    "Stream": "Closed",
    "Data": "Suspect",
    "Text": "Access Denied: User req to PE(6562)",
    "Code": "NotEntitled"
  "ID": 3,
  "Key": {
    "Service": "ELEKTRON_DD",
    "Name": "HUYA.N"

What could be the reason?


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    According to the error message, it is obvious that the account doesn't have permission to access this item (HUYA.N).

      "State": {
        "Stream": "Closed",
        "Data": "Suspect",
        "Text": "Access Denied: User req to PE(6562)",
    "Code": "NotEntitled"


    You need to contact your Refinitiv Account team or Sales team directly to verify the permission.

    Otherwise, you can try "/HUYA.N" which is a delayed RIC instead.