RTC issue while running RT-SDK gradle application.

i have created RTC EC2 machine and created RT-SDK machine as well and when i run the gralew application (./gradlew runConsumer100). i am getting an error as eason State: Closed/Suspect/None - text: "Request Rejected: A32: Service ELEKTRON_DD is blocked by port 14002" Capture.PNG

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Based on the investigation by the RTDS team, the RTC's serviceList parameter is not added "ELEKTRON_DD" service, so the RTC rejects incoming request with that message.


  • Hello @mohammed.vali

    Basically, the error message with "A{number}: text" format means the message is generated from the ADS/RTC server, not the SDK. This message means the RTC server rejected the request on ELEKTRON_DD service.

    I highly recommend you contact the infrastructure support team to investigate the issue. You can contact the team via https://my.refinitiv.com/content/mytr/en/productsupport.html website.


  • thankyou for your resonse @wasin.w . will rasie a request.

  • For the benefit of anyone else experiencing this A32 error, please note the following.

    Beginning with RTC 3.7.1, a feature was added to control access to services based on connection protocol.
    On the RTC there is a parameter blockedServiceList which allows you to block certain services.

    This blockedServiceList parameter works with the serviceList parameter as follows.

    If you leave serviceList blank, then it will allow all services - except for any you specify in the blockServiceList parameter.

    If you specify one or more services in serviceList, then only those named services will be allowed - all others will be blocked.

    If both blockedServiceList and serviceList configuration parameters are configured, blockedServiceList will take precedence and serviceList will be ignored.