ADH does not send close

I am using rmds client to query to TREP FH. I have noticed if I keep restarting the rmds client (meaning start/kill/start) once in a while , the ADH does not send close for a stream and then re-request the same stream when rmds is started.

Now TREP FH application has no way of knowing active streams. This leads to TREP FH keeping 2 entries for same stream and send updates on both of them. Now rmds gets this and has duplicate updates. Is this behavior correct and what should TREP FH do? Also note that we can't just remove the duplicate streams blindly since we have checked that is a stream (symbol and source) is active and we re-request the same symbol and source, the ADH sends the request on same active stream and we do have to send initial image to the new request.

Best Answer

  • @vishal.anand

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    The following is the Stream Identification defined in the ETA Developer Guide.

    Each data stream can be uniquely identified by the specified DomainType, QoS, and MsgKey contents. The MsgKey contains a variety of attributes used in defining a stream. To avoid repeatedly sending MsgKey and QoS on all messages in a stream, a signed integer (referred to as a StreamId or stream identifier) is used. This StreamId can convey all of the same stream identification information, but consumes only a small, fixed-size (four bytes).

    According to this definition, ADH should not send a new request with a new stream for the same item (DomainType, QoS, and MsgKey). ADH should send a re-request message with the same stream ID to get a new refresh message of that item.

    Therefore, I would like to clarify the following statement.

     once in a while , the ADH does not send close for a stream and then re-request the same stream when rmds is started.

    Does ADH send a new request with a new stream ID for the same item (DomainType, QoS, and MsgKey)? If yes, please contact the ADH support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the behavior.

    Are those streams private streams? The following is the definition of private streams.

    The Enterprise Transport API provides private stream functionality, an easy way to ensure delivery of content only between a stream’s two endpoints. Private streams behave in a manner similar to standard streams, with the following exceptions: 
    • All data on a private stream flow between the end provider and the end consumer of the stream.
    • Intermediate components do not fan out content (i.e., do not distribute it to other consumers).
    • Intermediate components should not cache content.
    • In the event of connection or data loss, intermediate components do not recover content. All private stream recovery is the responsibility of the consumer application

    Thus, if the new request is a private stream, it is possible that ADH will send a new request with a new stream ID and a private stream flag.