How can I get LastModifiedDateUser from WC1 API.

I want to get LastModifiedDateUser like Case manaer item in World check One UI from WC1API.
WC1API has many options. So I don't know which is same means of LastModifiedDateUser.

Best Answer

  • Hi @satom,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    To help you get started and depending on your use case, you can consider one of the following two end points:

    1. GET - Fetch Full Case Details:{caseSystemId}

    This end points returns a full case details with aggregated summaries including the "modificationDate" which is preceded by the key-value pairs of "creator" and "modifier".

    2. POST - User activity monitoring. Initial request:

    This end points returns a collection of cases that were modified by users in a particular date range. The request body supports the following fields to specify searching criteria:

    'modificationDate' - Time when the case has been modified by the user;

    'assignedUserId' - Identifier of the User cases are assigned to;

    'groupId' - Identifier of the Group that owns the case;

    'creatorUserId' - Identifier of the case author;

    'modifierUserId' - Identifier of the recent changes author;

    'creationDate' - Time when the case has been created.

    The response includes the "modificationDate" which is preceded by the key-value pairs of "creator" and "modifier".

    Please do reach out if you have any further questions.

    Best regards,
