Patch case by caseSystemId vs Request full screening for an existing case

In the documentation we can see that it is possible to use the endpoint to do a partial update given a caseSystemId, this endpoint allows us to send an empty body and the parameter screen=SYNC, which will execute a re-screning synchronously without doing a updating the fields. The result of this endpoint is similar to using the endpoint to create a new case.

We also have the option of using the endpoint to run a full or delta screening for an existing case, using the screeningMode parameter with the values FULL_SYNC and DELTA_SYNC. The documentation mentions that delta screening performs the screening from the last screening date and shows the new results that appeared after the last screening.


  1. Should the data used on both endpoints be caseSystemId and not caseId?
  2. On neither endpoint would we be creating a new case, just doing a re-screening, is that correct?
  3. In the case of using the endpoint for patching, is a delta or full screening executed?
  4. Does using full/delta screening involve an additional cost?


Best Answer

  • @tonatiuh.flores - Thank you for your patience.

    1. Right - the data used on both endpoints should use caseSystemId and not caseId
    2. Exactly. You are not creating a new case for either endpoints; the PATCH endpoint updates a case while the POST endpoint re-screens an existing case (it's following the asynchronous approach).
    3. When calling on the PATCH{caseSystemId} endpoint, a full screening is executed.
    4. There is no additional cost for the full/delta screening. If you would like to perform delta screening, you simply have to follow the steps and suggestions per the documentation:

    Please let me know if you have any further questions and I am happy to help.


