Corporate actions

Hi, what’s the easiest way to call a corporate action history for a list of stocks using the API? Thx

Best Answer

  • Hi @c.dass ,

    I believe the solutions provided under this recent question thread will be useful for your request. Have a look at the Python response that I have provided. Posting the code here as well:

    rd.get_data(universe = ['TSLA.OQ'],fields = ["TR.CAEffectiveDate", "TR.CAAdjustmentFactor", "TR.CAAdjustmentType"], parameters={'SDate': '2019-01-01', 'EDate': '2023-10-30'})

    You can have the same output using Eikon API as well.

    df, err = ek.get_data(instruments = ['TSLA.OQ'],fields = ["TR.CAEffectiveDate", "TR.CAAdjustmentFactor", "TR.CAAdjustmentType"], parameters={'SDate': '2019-01-01', 'EDate': '2023-10-30'})

    Best regards,

