Find WorldScope Item with DatastreamDSWS2R API for a universe of stocks


what is the approach to finding a WorldScope Item, e.g. Interest Coverage Ratio (EBIT/Total Interest Expense) Worldscope Item WC08291 for a universe of all US Stocks? I've tried for the NASDAQ 100 nut even for the 100 stocks some of the Interest Coverage Ratios are not reported, is this a license issue on my side?



Best Answer

  • @HelenS

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I can get more data if I changes the requestDate to "LATESTDATE".



    However, I still see NA values.

    To verify the availability of data, please contact the Datastream Webservice support team directly via MyRefinitiv. The support team can verify your license and check the data of those items.