Short Interest for Stocks

Hello everyone,

I am looking for short interest related data (short interest, utilization rate, cost of borrow, ... etc) for a list of US stocks as well as European stocks.

Can anyone help me retrieve this data on Eikon or point me toward an app or a third party who offers that content.

Many thanks

Best Answer

  • Hi @nail.chakir

    The RDP API Short Interest endpoint is not released yet. Currently you can get that data using Refinitiv Knowledge Direct API under the fundamentals service.

    Data items that are available:

    Short Interest as % of float - most recent
    Short Interest as % of float - 1/2/3 month ago
    Short Interest as % of shares out - most recent
    Short Interest as % of shares out - 1/2/3 month ago
    Short Interest - 1 month percent change
    Short Interest - most recent settlement date
    Short Interest - 1/2/3 month ago settlement date
    Short Interest Ratio - most recent
    Short Interest Ratio - 1/2/3 month ago
    Short Interest - most recent month position
    Short Interest - 1/2/3 month ago position
    Short Interest - most recent avg daily volume
    Short Interest - 1/2/3 month ago avg daily volume
