Unexpected Encoding Attempted

I am getting the following error:

Fatal Error: _levelInfo->_encodingState == RSSL_EIS_ENTRIES, Unexpected encoding attempted (file /local/jenkins/workspace/ESDKCore_RCDEV/OS/OL7-64/rcdev/source/rtsdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Codec/mapEncoder.c, line 425)

Here is the line tha fails:

if ((ret = rsslEncodeMapEntry(&encodeIter, &mapEntry, NULL)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)

(gdb) p *pIter->_levelInfo

$3 = {_countWritePtr = 0x7fffdc13d567 "\022\021\004\rb330\001\020\020\021\004\rb\003a\001\n444530417A;\t\003\001", _initElemStartPos = 0x7fffdc13d540 "", _containerStartPos = 0x0, _currentCount = 0, _encodingState = 7 '\a', _containerType = 141 '\215',

_flags = 0, _listType = 0x7ffff51b7310, _fieldListSetDef = 0x0, _elemListSetDef = 0x0, _internalMark = {_sizePtr = 0x0, _sizeBytes = 0 '\000'}, _internalMark2 = {_sizePtr = 0x0, _sizeBytes = 0 '\000'}}

Any idea on what can be the issue?


Best Answer

  • @vishal.anand

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Encoding steps may be incorrect. Moreover, please make sure that you have called the rsslClearEncodeIterator method to clear the encode interator before using it.

    If you can consistently replicate this issue, please share the code that can be used to replicate this issue. I will try it on my machine.