Issue with traceing incoming data in EMA after updating EmaConfig.xml

After updating the EmaConfig.xml file with the line <XmlTraceRead value="1"/>, I expected to see the details of incoming messages (like refresh messages) in the log file. However, despite the configuration change, the incoming messages are not appearing in the logs.

The following is my changes

<XmlTraceFileName value="logs/EmaTrace"/>
<XmlTraceToFile value="1"/>
<XmlTraceToMultipleFiles value="1"/>
<XmlTraceRead value="1"/>
<XmlTraceWrite value="1"/>

I can see the outgoing messages (like request) in the log file but can't find any incoming messages.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @xinjames.chen

    I can replicate the same behavior with EMA Java 3.7.2 (RTSDK Java 2.1.2 L1). The xml trace log file does not contain incoming messages even I have set the EmaConfig.xml to include the given XmlTrace configurations.

    <XmlTraceToStdout value="0"/>
    <XmlTraceToFile value="1"/>
    <XmlTraceToMultipleFiles value="1"/>
    <XmlTraceRead value="1"/>
    <XmlTraceWrite value="1"/>
    <XmlTraceFileName value="C:\\drive_d\\Project\\APIs\\EMA_Code\\EMA_Java_212L1\\logs\\api.log"/>

    I found that if I also set <XmlTraceToStdout value="1"/> with the configuration above, both standard output and xml trace file contain all messages (incoming and outgoing).

    This seems to be the API issue. If you are RDC named user, you can submit a support ticket to the Real-Time APIs support team to verify this issue by clicking the "contact Premium support" button on the page.


    Alternatively, you can submit the API behavior to the RTSDK team directly via the page.