How to connect to Refinitiv Workspace Excel programmatically with VBA?

In its previous version, Eikon. I am able to connect and sign in Eikon Excel programmatically with VBA as below.

Is there any similar VBA codes for Workspace?

Sub signin_connect()

'Enable COM Add-ins

For i = 1 To Application.COMAddIns.Count

If Application.COMAddIns(i).Description = "Refinitiv Eikon - Microsoft Office" Then

Application.COMAddIns(i).Connect = True

Exit For

End If

Next i

'auto sign in

Application.Run "PLLoginEventHandler"

End Sub

Best Answer

  • @charlie.chan So Workspace does not ship with the legacy COM APIs. They have been legacy APIs for many years now. It is also unclear how long VBA will be supported as well - particularly as Microsoft have just released their new Python in Excel capabilities. Workspace ships with a suite of APIs using web standards based technologies eg request-response web APIs and also websocket connections for streaming. We have produced a guide on how to migrate functionality from COM APIs to our Data Libraries - which are provided in 3 flavours, Python, .NET and TypeScript. So the VBA editor does not support any of these features but you can use product such as XLwings to deal with the interop with excel from Python in a very simple and intuitive way - we have some articles with examples here and here (these 2 articles use a Platform Session (we are currently converting these to Desktop session samples)- but you can also use a desktop session as seen in the following webinar here). I hope this can help.