CLOSED Suspect UsageError


Today we came across the message

CLOSED Suspect UsageError

Here is the full log

Nov 17 05:05:12   INFO SGT INFO [2.15.24] [] [com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl] [akka://MainActor/user/AccumulateActor-ccd9f694-46eb-4730-9ab4-b07c5f16cc66/TrccPublishActor] - loggerMsg
ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
Severity: Info
Text: Received ChannelUp event on channel Production_Internet_1
Instance Name Consumer_1_1
Component Version eta3.6.5.L1.linux.rrg 64-bit Static
Nov 17 05:05:12 loggerMsgEnd
Nov 17 05:05:12 INFO SGT INFO [2.15.24] [] [TrccPublishActor] [akka://MainActor/user/AccumulateActor-ccd9f694-46eb-4730-9ab4-b07c5f16cc66/TrccPublishActor] - got tunnelStreamHandle: 1 for consumer Consumer_1_1
Nov 17 05:05:12 WARN SGT WARN [2.15.24] [pool-7-thread-1] [TrccPublishActor] [] - onStatusMsg: Open Ok None
Nov 17 05:05:12 INFO SGT INFO [2.15.24] [pool-7-thread-1] [TrccPublishActor] [] - sent login request to TRCC and got itemStreamHandle: 2
Nov 17 05:05:16 WARN SGT WARN [2.15.24] [pool-7-thread-1] [TrccPublishActor] [] - onRefreshMsg: Open Ok None Login accepted by host eb913230c3d5 via ip-10-28-183-223.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal
Nov 17 05:05:16 INFO SGT INFO [2.15.24] [pool-7-thread-1] [TrccPublishActor] [] - connected to Refinitiv
Nov 17 05:05:16 INFO SGT INFO [2.15.24] [] [TrccPublishActor] [akka://MainActor/user/AccumulateActor-ccd9f694-46eb-4730-9ab4-b07c5f16cc66/TrccPublishActor] - EMA is ready.
Nov 17 05:05:17 INFO SGT INFO [2.15.24] [] [AccumulateActor] [akka://MainActor/user/AccumulateActor-ccd9f694-46eb-4730-9ab4-b07c5f16cc66] - TrccReady
Nov 17 05:05:17 INFO SGT INFO [2.15.24] [] [TrccPublishActor] [akka://MainActor/user/AccumulateActor-ccd9f694-46eb-4730-9ab4-b07c5f16cc66/TrccPublishActor] - PublishInitialData
Nov 17 05:05:17 WARN SGT WARN [2.15.24] [pool-7-thread-1] [TrccPublishActor] [] - onStatusMsg: CLOSED Suspect UsageError
Nov 17 05:05:17 ERROR SGT ERROR [2.15.24] [] [com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl] [akka://MainActor/user/AccumulateActor-ccd9f694-46eb-4730-9ab4-b07c5f16cc66/TrccPublishActor] - loggerMsg
ClientName: ItemCallbackClient
Severity: Error
Text: Attempt to use invalid Handle on submit(PostMsg). Instance name='Consumer_1_1'.

We were able to recover the connection by restarting the connection.

However, This is the first time we have experienced this message, would you be able to advise what is the meaning of this error/warning?



Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us. Based on the given "onStatusMsg: CLOSED Suspect UsageError" log, it means that stream is closed with "UsageError" text description (most likely generated from the RCC).

    Another error message is "Attempt to use invalid Handle on submit(PostMsg)" which mean the application is trying to submit a Post using a handle for a stream that has been closed off.

    If the issue occurs only once, I highly recommend you contact the RCC team to verify this issue on the server side. You can submit a support ticket to the team via website.
