How to download all available data field in Eikon and RDP?

I'd like to know how to download all available data items/ data fields using Eikon and RDP API.

I was able to download all meta data available by using code

response = search.metadata.Definition(
view = search.Views.SEARCH_ALL

I'd like to know how to do the same for data field items.

Best Answer

  • @johnnavi.quinones So for the RDP Search API - there is a concept of views - which provides a filtered view based on concept area such as Instrument, Physical Assets, Organisations, People etc. Each of these Search Views has a list of metadata that can be searched, selected, sorted, filtered, grouped, etc. The aim of this tool is to narrow down on a particular universe which satisfies some criteria. We have some helpful articles on search - here and here. The second article contains code for a Search Browser object that can help you discover and use the search view metadata very easily.

    We do not provide a programmatic data model for all data fields - but we have tools to help you find the content you need - tools include the Data Item Browser (type DIB into Eikon search bar) - which provides info on all the TR fields plus the real-time fields, and Code Creator (type CODECR into Eikon search bar) which will actually generate the python code for you.

    In terms of RDP services you can access from Eikon (eg Search, Historical Pricing and a few others) you can use the API Playground to get information on data model per endpoint as well as an interactive swagger interface to test as well as reference guides.

    I hope this can help.