Multiple output for the same date


I am trying to get some balance sheet data from Eikon API on Python using eikon.get_data for a list of companies throughout the period 2000-2022. I encounter four types of problems (in different instances). I will refer to the total assets of company AU000000TEN8 in USD in the examples I make:

1. it assigns the same value for two consecutive years, even if the real values on the desktop app are not the same, (e.g. 1,090.6 USD for both 2004 and 2005 even if this is the true value only for 2004)

2. it returns multiple rows of the same year and observation, (e.g. 2016 for 8 times)

3. it returns values which are different from what can be seen on the desktop app, (e.g. 885.9 rather than 845.0 in 2000)

4. it returns statement dates which differ from revenue dates even in the year (2003 vs 2004) so I am not sure which one to follow. (e.g. 998.2 with statement date 1004-08-31 but revenue date 2003-08-31, with the last being the correct one)

However, let me stress I need to download a big amount of data and therefore I need to use the API rather than the desktop app.

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

  • @m.castelluccio

    Thank you for the update.

    I also got multiple output for the same date when using Eikon Excel with the following formula.

    =@TR("AU000000TEN8","TR.F.StatementDate;TR.F.TotRevenue;TR.F.TotRevenue.Date","SDate=2000-01-01 EDate=2023-12-14 CH=Fd RH=IN FRQ=Y",C5)

    Therefore, it shouldn't be the problem in the Eikon Data API. Please contact the Eikon Excel support team direclty via MyRefinitiv to verify the content and formula.


  • @marco.castelluccio.20 Can you please paste the API call code (excluding any credentials) you are using so we can replicate? Thanks in advance.

  • Here it is, thanks!

    import eikon as ek


    fields_financials_new = ["TR.CommonName", "TR.OrganizationID", "TR.SucceededBy", "TR.RegistrationCountry", 'TR.RegCountryCode', "TR.HeadquartersCountry", "TR.HQCountryCode","TR.F.StatementDate","TR.F.TotRevenue","TR.F.GrossTotRevBizActiv","TR.F.TotAssets","TR.F.TotCurrAssets","TR.F.IntangAssets","TR.F.EmpAvg","TR.F.LaborRelExpnTot","TR.F.EBIT","TR.F.EBITDAMargPct","TR.F.TotAssets.currency", '']

    parameter_dict = parameters ={'Sdate':'2000-01-01','Edate':'2023-01-01','FRQ':"Y", 'Curn':'USD'}

    data_PermID, error_PermID = ek.get_data(instruments='AU000000TEN8', fields=fields_financials_new, parameters=parameter_dict)


  • Thanks! Here it is

    fields_financials_new = ["TR.CommonName", "TR.OrganizationID", "TR.SucceededBy", "TR.RegistrationCountry", 'TR.RegCountryCode', "TR.HeadquartersCountry", "TR.HQCountryCode","TR.F.StatementDate","TR.F.TotRevenue","TR.F.GrossTotRevBizActiv","TR.F.TotAssets","TR.F.TotCurrAssets","TR.F.IntangAssets","TR.F.EmpAvg","TR.F.LaborRelExpnTot","TR.F.EBIT","TR.F.EBITDAMargPct","TR.F.TotAssets.currency", '']

    parameter_dict = parameters ={'Sdate':'2000-01-01','Edate':'2023-01-01','FRQ':"Y", 'Curn':'USD'}

    data_PermID, error_PermID = ek.get_data(instruments='AU000000TEN8', fields=fields_financials_new, parameters=parameter_dict)
  • Thanks! Here it is @jason.ramchandani01

    fields_financials_new = ["TR.CommonName", "TR.OrganizationID", "TR.SucceededBy", "TR.RegistrationCountry", 'TR.RegCountryCode', "TR.HeadquartersCountry", "TR.HQCountryCode","TR.F.StatementDate","TR.F.TotRevenue","TR.F.GrossTotRevBizActiv","TR.F.TotAssets","TR.F.TotCurrAssets","TR.F.IntangAssets","TR.F.EmpAvg","TR.F.LaborRelExpnTot","TR.F.EBIT","TR.F.EBITDAMargPct","TR.F.TotAssets.currency", '']

    parameter_dict = parameters ={'Sdate':'2000-01-01','Edate':'2023-01-01','FRQ':"Y", 'Curn':'USD'}

    data_PermID, error_PermID = ek.get_data(instruments='AU000000TEN8', fields=fields_financials_new, parameters=parameter_dict)
