historical analyst data download


Could you help me write the command in Excel Workspace to download historical analyst forecast data for all public companies?

This is what I have as of now... thank you!

=TR("TRI.TO","TR.EPSEstValue.analystname;TR.EPSEstValue();TR.EPSEstValue.date;TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev).analystname;TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev);TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev).date","Period=FY1 Curn=CAD NULL='-' Sort:asc Rh:BrokerName")

Best Answer

  • Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Typically, this developer forum is for questions on Refinitiv APIs.

    For data content, Refintiv Workspace applications and Excel related questions the best and most efficient way to receive an answer is to open an inquiry to the Refinitiv Workspace support team via MyRefinitiv.

    Best regards,
