Backend Error 400

I keep getting this message every 1-2 hours. 400 Bad request, backend error and then failed to download after 10 tries, Quitting.

Best Answer

  • MP72
    Answer ✓

    This is with Desktop Sessions using python. Has LSEG changed data download limits recently because the program seems to work for a little while after clearing cache and then stops again. So, have data download limits been changed in the last 4 months for Eikon please?


  • Hello, any response to this? we all have the same issue

  • Hi @MP72, You might be experiencing a misformed query error or API overload. Would you mind sharing the query code you are using, so we investigate the issue further? Also, may I ask, are you using Python with Desktop Sessions for your requests?

  • Hi @MP72,

    Data limits for the EDAPI (Eikon Data API) have not changed in the last 4 months. With that said, having a quick look through the Q&A, we can find related documetnation and information. In this case:

    Daily Limits:

    Requests per day - The number of requests sent to the platform per day via the Eikon Data APIs cannot exceed this limit. This number of requests is counted across all client applications connected to the same Eikon instance.The current limit values (10-Oct-2019) are 10,000 requests per day and 5 requests per second.

    Response volume per day - The volume (size) of data retrieved from the platform per day cannot exceed this limit. This volume of data is counted across all client applications connected to the same Eikon instance.The current limit values (10-Oct-2019) are 5 GB per day and 50 MB per minute.

    One may reach the 5GB a day limit after x number of responces, or the 10k requests.

    Reverting back to the original "Error 400" issue, as per that same documetnation page, "when a request fails because the platform is overwhelmed, an HTTP response with status code 400 and the message 'Backend error. 400 Bad Request' is returned." This is why I believed you might be experiencing a misformed query error or API overload. To investigate this issue, could you please share your code with us?