code to bring all the rics from a source

Hi! I need all the rics for one source but when I run this code it only brings me the main ric of the source what Im doing wrong?


"Identifiers": [


"Identifier": "ARARGE3209S6",

"IdentifierType": "Isin",

"UserDefinedIdentifier": "Instruments",

"Source": "FTP"



"KeepDuplicates": false



Best Answer

  • @victoria.iraola

    I got more RICs when using the Gov/Corp Search via the DSS Web GUI with the "Allow multiple results from same source" checked.


    However, I am unable to find this option in the DSS REST API.

    Please contact the Datascope Select support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the available options in the DSS REST API.


  • Hi @victoria.iraola ,

    If you wanted to pull all pricing sources available for an asset-level RIC the asterisk can be used as an "all" wildcard in the Source key:


    "Identifier": "ARARGE3209S6",

    "IdentifierType": "Isin",

    "Source": "*"


    This would pull all available Sources for that ISIN.

    Best regards,


  • but I need all the rics related to that isin for a single source (because for example the same instrument operates in byma (FTPS) in different settlements)