Getting exception Unknown MsgType: 0 not supported


We have a rfa publisher application written in Java running on Linux. We are trying to troubleshoot some exceptions that we are seeing in the logs.

We are using testclient to try and reproduce the issue. The exception we are seeing is the following -

2023-11-28 08:41:04.416 Caught internal exception [com.reuters.rfa.omm.OMMException: Unknown MsgType: 0 not supported]
in thread [rsslNamespace::localProviderSession Session EventQueueGroup]
  com.reuters.rfa.internal.rwf.RwfDecoder.unsafeDecodeMsg(Unknown Source)
  com.reuters.rfa.internal.rwf.RwfDecoder.decodeMsg(Unknown Source)
  com.reuters.rfa.internal.rwf.RwfMsgParsed.<init>(Unknown Source)

This repeats multiple times

Followed by -

Received OMMCmd ERROR EVENT for id: 13842  Trying to publish item with inactive token.:com.reuters.rfa.session.omm.OMMItemCmd@2a56b204

We can only produce it when disconnecting (ctrl-c) testclient and reconnecting again to the publisher.

Do you know what either of these exceptions might mean?



Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @john.bailie

    Which version of RFA Java API that encounters the issue? The latest versions of the API are 8.2.3.L1 and 7.8.1.L1. If you are not using the latest version, please migrate to the latest version to avoid all known issues.

    If the issue still persists on the latest version, please give us the following information:

    • The Java version
    • The Linux platform detail
    • The replication steps with XML trace logs when the problem occurs
    • Can you replicate the issue with RFA Java OMM StarterProvider_Interactive example?


  • Hi,

    We are using RFA Version: 8.0.0.E1.all.

    Do you have a link where I can download the latest version from?


  • Checking through the release notes for the RFA API

    I did see the following -


    RFAJAVA-498; Interactive provider application throws an
    "OMMException: Unknown MsgType:0 not supported" when it repeatedly receives
    subscription/unsubscription requests.
    This has been fixed.
    (CaseId: 04032572)

    Is it possible to do a minor upgrade rather than a major one?

    An upgrade to the latest version might require additional development work and testing.


  • Hello @john.bailie

    Please be informed that the oldest version that still available for downloading is version 8.2.0.L2 (released on 2021).

    You can download the API package from the following locations:

    ### Developer Portals ###

    ### website ###

    Please access website and log in with your My.Refinitiv account.

    • Product Family: MDS - API
    • Products: Robust Foundation API (RFA) - Java


    If you cannot find the MDS - API product family, please contact your LSEG representative to verify your permission.