Discover services with the new Token I get the below error in both the Postman call and our code

I’ve been able to call the V2 of Refinitiv’s Auth with the provided Test credentials. I’ve done this using Postman and our code base and we get back a Token. When we make the call to the Discover services with the new Token I get the below error in both the Postman call and our code. I currently didn’t find anything in the documentation stating that we needed to make any changes to this. I’m going to need some guidance from them to work this out.


"error": {

"id": "f8df2ade-5a4f-4e37-9def-96a446d8c312",

"code": "insufficient_scope",

"message": "access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: []. Missing scopes: []",

"status": "Forbidden"



Best Answer

  • Hi @colette.boss2

    Based on the response, it appears your credentials do not have permission to retrieve streaming pricing services. I would you reach out to your contact and request for streaming services for the ID provided.