corporate governance / shareholder activism query


can i query the 'corporate governance' table where i could download recovers of shareholder activist, target, date, status, goal, etc? i see it in the eikon front end - curious how to query the data from the python eikon api

thank you

Best Answer

  • Hi @mjg, For sample code, please do not hesitate to refer to documentation for EDAPI (Eikon Data API) and/or the RD Lib. for Python. With respec to EAPI, I would suggest going straing to the tutorials. With respect to the RD Lib., I would suggest going straight to the examples folder on GitHub (refered to in the Quickstart page) that you can also find on CodeBook.

    I would also suggest using the new Eikon Python library, the RD Library for Python, with which you can collect data; an example with historical data would include:

    fields=["BID", "ASK", "TR.Revenue"],


    To know what fields can be used in such a function, please refer to the DIB.

    If your request pertains to the universe or the fields of choice, outside of the DIB and/or Search, please reach out to us on


  • hi @mjg, Please note that this LSEG Developer Q&A Community Forum is for technical LSEG API questions only. For content questions such as yours, please reach out to us on

    With that said, please have a look at the new Eikon Python library, the RD Library for Python, with which you can download such data. To find the fields you are after, please look into the DIB.

  • is this not a technical api question? i am asking for a sample query/a code sample - how can i query that data from python using the refinitiv eikon python api? that seems techincal to me

  • capture.pnghow is it that i would, as you suggest, use DIB to find this kind of data?

  • Hi @mjg,

    It is not possible to retrieve field information on the Data Item Browser when a RIC is unknown.

    If your request pertains to the universe or the fields of choice, outside of the DIB and/or Search, as is the case here, we suggest reaching out to In line with this, I created ticket 13160237 for you on The helpdesk there will be in touch with you to help you in finding the content you are after.