How to get monthly Average data?


I am using Eikon in Python.

this is my code:


Here is my question:

In the second one, at the fields for some RICs which does not have 'TR.~ ' fields, where to find what to put in AVG(here).

1. is it possible to get monthly data for these RIC in the second one?

2. if so, how to know what to put in AVG() function?

I truly appreciate if anyone would give me an example code

Best Answer

  • @jwlee08

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I think the AVG function could be used with the fields that can provide series data.

    You can check this via the Data Item Browser tool.



    TRDPRC_1 doesn't support series data.

    You can use another method, such as get_timeseries to get histoical data and then calculate the average.
