finding the underlying RIC for a convertible bond


I am trying to find the underlying RIC(Equity) for a convertible bond. The underlying RIC is available in GovCorp but "Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS" does not output the expected RIC using "UnderlyingAssetRIC" which exists in the metadata of the view. Other Convertibles' CUSIPs with the same outcome : 78015V548, 06748F803 and 90278V198. I might be mistaken but cannot think of any other other scenarios where bonds have an underlying RIC so in case and the equity RIC is not expected to show in the above cases, can you please share any CUSIPs where the "UnderlyingAssetRIC" is populated. Also, I appreciate if there is any other suggested way to extract the underlying equity RIC for a convertible.

Many Thanks



Best Answer

  • Hi @Moti.Konak

    In the search you can request an additional field 'ConversionSymbol' that gives you a 2 digit country code and the ticker which in fact is something called 'DsQuotationMnemonic'. Combining those two (right after converting 2 digit country code into 3 digit) you would need to do a second search and all of that might be a cumbersome task. Instead of that you can do the below:

    import as rd

    from import fundamental_and_reference

    response = fundamental_and_reference.Definition(


  • @Moti.Konak

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I can use the get_data method to retrieve the underlying asset RICs.



  • Thanks Jirapongse!

    I am getting the following error:

    Exception thrown: Error code -1 | The access to field(s) denied. Requested universes: ['06748F803', '78015V548', '48128Q579']. Requested fields: ['TR.CD.UNDERLASSETRIC']

    see attached my code.convrt.txt

  • Thanks m! I am getting the following error:

    RDError: Error code 221 | The access to field(s) denied. Requested universes: ['48128Q579', '78015V548', '06748F803', '90278V198', '22550MNC9=FINR']. Requested fields: ['TR.CD.UnderlAssetRIC']

  • I got the same error when using the RDP session.


    You may need to contact the Refinitiv Data Platform support team to check for the pemission.

  • Hi @Moti.Konak ,

    This error indicates that you don't have an access to this data, please contact your Refinitiv account representative to check this.